Elder and Deacon Nominations
February 23 through March 9
Men who are full communicant members, 18 years and older, are eligible for these positions.
It’s time, once again, for us to nominate members for the offices of Elder and Deacon. Four Elders and four Deacons will be elected at our congregational meeting this May. This important process and privilege begins with each of us as we nominate members again this year.
You may nominate using a paper ballot in the Gathering Place on Sunday mornings, or click below for an online ballot.
The Consistory
The following individuals make up the Calvary Church governing Consistory. Each year, there are members nominated into the positions by our congregation, to replace those that have served their term. The nominees are then put up for a congregational vote, elected, and commissioned into their roles.
Meet Our Elders
Elders focus their attention on overseeing the matters of the Consistory, and act as the shepherds of the congregation. They enjoy the administrative or business side of being an Elder and the meetings this involves. In addition, they focus on overseeing all families of Calvary, contacting families throughout the year with encouragement, consistent prayer support and spiritual care.
Ken Adair
Vice President of Consistory
Paul Halm
Theology Elder
Derrick Mars
Consistory Chair
Joe Dampf
Discipleship Elder
Jack Haan
Jim Kamphuis
Al Ricchio
Clyde Smith Jr.
Dennis Peters
Rick Aardema
Dennis Scholtens
Meet Our Deacons
FINANCIAL DEACONS focus their attention on overseeing money decisions and the distribution of dollars at Calvary. They are responsible for the ongoing bills, payroll, counting/collecting and submitting the budget to Consistory. They also are responsible for stewardship education and overseeing financial counseling opportunities.
CARE DEACONS focus their attention on meeting and overseeing the physical and emotional needs of the members of our congregation. They liaison with current programs/leaders and develop new ministries. Care Deacons need to have a passion to work with congregation members to provide care within the church.
In addition, they focus on meeting and overseeing the needs of our immediate community and in turn the world. They pursue opportunities for Calvary to enter into mission projects, respond to community needs and interact with our current benevolent projects.
Colin Middel
Financial Deacon
Christopher Hoogstra
Financial Deacon
Bill Lang
Financial Deacon
Sean Griffin
Financial Deacon
Bob Pozdol
Financial Deacon
Josh Slager
Financial Deacon
Cletus Akpotu
Care Deacon
Keith Jager
Care Deacon
Steve Krygsheld
Care Deacon
Ben Vander Veer
Care Deacon
Jim Rafferty
Care Deacon
Dave Rusthoven
Care Deacon