Calvary’s Special Needs Ministry
Calvary’s PossAbilities ministry is open to all families of Loft-age children with physical or developmental challenges, who wish for them to learn about Jesus. In every PossAbilities lesson, the message of the Gospel is presented in a way that addresses each child’s unique needs and learning style.
PossAbilities was established out of a desire to give all children an opportunity to meet their Savior face-to-face. God created each one of us in His own image, regardless of our individual differences, and we all have our role to play in His redemptive story. The goal of the PossAbilities ministry is to reach and teach students with special needs, showing them how they fit into God’s plan.
Psalm 139 says: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Students in PossAbilities might fall into a variety of special-needs categories, but our staff of teachers and volunteers is devoted to using the most effective and differentiated methods for instructing them in God’s Word.
PossAbilities meets each Sunday, during the 10:30 am worship service at Calvary’s Orland Park campus. We have our own classroom space, well-stocked with supplies (including a variety of art materials) and access to technology.
Volunteer with us! If you have a heart for serving in this ministry, for bringing kids of all abilities to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, please contact Jim and Sharon Kamphuis at PossAbilities@thisiscalvary.org. No prior special education training or experience is necessary - only a desire to live out Mark 10: “Let the children come to me...for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.”