Orland Park Events
Coffee Break Colossians Study | Wednesday Mornings, 9:30 -11 AM | Starting January 15
Coffee Break Ministry invites you to join them for a six week study of Colossians on Wednesday mornings beginning January 15th. This study presents a breathtaking view of Christ, heartfelt prayers, the power of new life, and vision for a love-filled community.
Band of Brothers | Saturday Mornings | January 18 - February 22 | 7-8:30 AM
Calvary's Men's ministry, Band of Brothers will be hosting their annual Saturday morning winter gatherings for 6 weeks from January 18th - February 22nd from 7-8:30am. This year, we will be reading and discussing the classic book, Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis. Each morning there will be a bacon forward breakfast, followed by a short video, and group discussion. This is a great book for anyone no matter where they are at in their journey with Jesus. Please sign up here.
Newcomers Lunch | January 19 | 11:30 AM
If you’ve been attending Calvary for a short while, and are looking to get acquainted with our staff, leadership teams, and pastors, please join us for lunch right after the 10:30 service on January 19th. Please sign up here.
Worship Night
Friday, March 1 | 7:00-8:30PM | Orland Park Campus
Join us for a churchwide night of worship and prayer!
KidsLife Story Time
Saturday, February 24th | 9:30-11AM | Orland Park Campus
You are invited to STORY TIME – a free one and one half hour special event created just for you and the young children in your life!
We are so excited for you and your child/children to join us for STORY TIME! A live story time, scripture, music, a craft and a snack are just a few of the things that will be waiting for you. Plus, you get to experience it all while making fun family memories! We have designed everything from start to finish with your child in mind.
All of this fun will take place on Saturday, February 24 from 9:30-11:00 AM at Calvary Church of Orland Park!
You are welcome to invite any friends and family who also have young children! We want everyone to come!
Pray for Me Pizza Party
Friday, February 23rd | 6-7:30PM | Orland Park Campus
Prayer champions and students who are involved in the Pray for Me Campaign, along with their families, are invited to join us for a pizza party to meet your prayer team! Please register your number of guests attending below.
Weekly Online Prayer
Wednesdays | 12-12:30PM | Starting February 21st | On Zoom
We long to be a church "United in Prayer" and are thrilled to invite you to our brand new Wednesday Noon 30-Minute Prayer Meeting, starting Feb 21st from 12-12:30pm. Whether you have 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or the full half-hour to spare, you're invited to join us in uniting our hearts and minds in prayer.
Family Movie Night
Friday, February 16th | 6:30-9PM | Orland Park Campus
Join us on Friday, February 16th at 6:30 PM for our KidsLife Family Movie Night. Make sure to Invite your family and friends to spend the evening with us. The movie we have chosen is Disney’s ENCANTO. We will provide Popcorn and candy treats for all. Wear cozy PJ’s and bring your blankets and pillows. No childcare will be provided.
Starting Point Class
Friday, February 9th 6-9PM | Saturday, February 10th 9-11AM
Starting Point is a weekend experience designed to help you discover God’s vision for your life as Jesus’ disciple. In unpacking Calvary’s three Pillars of Discipleship, you will learn how to grow, connect, and serve at Calvary while meeting other new people and several church leaders. If you’re new at Calvary, or looking to get more involved, this is your perfect place to start!
Prayer Night
Thursday, February 8th | 7-8PM | Orland Park Campus
We encourage you to join us for a sacred assembly as we gather together to unite in prayer! We will worship through song, spoken word, and a walk around the church to cover the whole building in prayer! If you are able, we encourage you to fast prior to the gathering. Whether it’s for 12 hours, breaking fast just before, or after the prayer night, or fasting a singular meal, we believe that there is benefit in it.
GEMS Fiesta Night
Wednesday, January 31st | 6PM | Orland Park Campus
Join us for a fun-filled Fiesta Night on Wednesday, January 31st at 6pm. Our GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior) Group is planning fun for the entire family; music, great food, and kids activities. You don’t have to be a part of the ministry to join in on the fun and show your support, ALL are welcome!
Any questions email our KidsLife Director, Jennie Hoekstra, at JennieH@thisiscalvary.org. Hope to see you all there!
Campus-wide Congregational Meeting
Sunday, January 28th | 4PM | Orland Park Campus
We will hold an all campus wide congregational family meeting on Sunday, January 28th at 4 pm at Orland Park. During this meeting we will update the congregation on the senior pastor search process and year end finances in 2023.
Roseland Christian Ministries
The Calvary Mission Team is looking for volunteers to help make and serve breakfast at Roseland Christian Ministries on Sunday, January 28th . We will meet at Roseland at 8:00am to begin preparing breakfast to serve at 9:00am. Cleanup to follow. We generally finish around 10:00am. Anyone interested in serving please contact Rick Aardema at missions@thisiscalvary.org.
Calvary Newcomers Lunch
Sunday, January 21st | 11:30AM | Calvary Orland Park
If you’ve been attending Calvary for a short while, and are looking to get acquainted with our Staff Leadership Teams and Pastors, please join us! We will meet after the 10:30AM service, on Sunday, January 21st at 11:30AM.
Lunch will be provided, and childcare offered.
Ukraine Drive
As the hardships of orphaned children and fatherless families continue to grow because of the war, Calvary has an opportunity to minister to Ukrainians in need. Our church family will be providing critical items by collecting warm clothing and medicine. These donated goods will ship by sea container through Love Cradle International.
Please bring donations to the Missions Table in The Gathering Place at the Orland Park Campus on January 21st, January 28th, and February 4th. We will then pack the boxes on Saturday, February 10th at 10AM in the Orland Park Gym. Packers are needed!
The Following Donation Items will be collected:
Jars of Peanut Butter
New or gently used warm coats/hats/mittens for all ages
Fleece garments for all ages
New Undergarments for children
Warm socks for all ages
Children’s pain medicine
Children’s Flu/Cold Medicine
Mix-In Cold/Flu Medicine
Band of Brothers Morning Gathering
Starts Saturday, January 20th | 6 Weeks | 7:30-9AM
Join Band of Brothers for our 6-week Saturday morning gatherings starting January 20th from 7:30-9 am. This year, we will address and overcome the idols that men tend to face. This is a great place to invite new men to Calvary, build community, and enjoy breakfast together. Sign up and bring a friend!
Family Movie Night
Friday, January 19th | 6PM | Orland Park Campus
Join us on Friday, January 19th for our Family Movie Night. We will have a pizza party at 6pm followed by the movie Elemental at 7pm. "Elemental" is a fun film set in Element City, where the characters representing fire, water, land, and air navigate through the challenges on living all together. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Romans Bible Study
Starts January 18th | Sunday Mornings or Thursday Evenings | 9AM or 7PM | 15 Weeks
Consider investing some time in the Word of God this winter. We are offering a verse by verse study of the foundational book of Romans. This study will ground your faith in the essential truths every Christian needs. We are offering two times - Sunday mornings at 9am, and Thursday evenings at 7pm. The class will last an hour, and meet for approximately 15 weeks. Hope to see you there!
Class Contact: Joe Dampf at jdampf22@gmail.com
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Sunday, December 24th | 10:30AM & 3PM | Calvary Orland Park
Join us for one of our candlelight Christmas Eve services as we worship together, sing songs and celebrate the birth of our Savior! Invite a friend to join you. Services are identical.
Christmas Caroling
Saturday, December 16th | 2PM | Cross-Campus
This is the season to love, give and sing! Yes, sing. Have you been itching to sing some Christmas carols? Here is your opportunity! Join with our Worship Team in visiting South Suburban Rehabilitation Center in Homewood at 2PM on Saturday, December 16th.
Register to participate by Saturday, December 9 at the following link:
Family Movie Night
Friday, December 15th | 6:30PM | Orland Park Campus
Join us for our Grinch Family Movie Night. Our WHOBILATION will include Popcorn and candy treats for all. Wear cozy PJ's and bring your blankets and pillows. No childcare will be provided.
Advent Celebration
Wednesday, December 13th | 9:30AM | Orland Park Campus
Calvary’s Coffee Break Ministry invites you to join in on their Advent Celebration, as we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of our Lord and Savior. The program will retell the story of Advent through scripture and song. Refreshments will be served afterwards for a time of fellowship.
All are welcome, invite a friend!
KidsLife Christmas Program & Party
Saturday, December 9th | 10AM | Orland Park Campus
Join us for our KidsLife Nativity Program and Christmas Party. Everyone is welcome to stay following the program for lunch, hot chocolate, crafts, and a silent auction benefiting Calvary KidsLife!
Roseland Christian Ministries
The Calvary Mission Team is looking for volunteers to help make and serve breakfast at Roseland Christian Ministries on Sunday, November 26th. We will meet at Roseland at 8:00am to begin preparing breakfast to serve at 9:00am. Cleanup to follow. We generally finish around 10:00am. Anyone interested in serving please contact Rick Aardema at missions@thisiscalvary.org.
Thanksgiving Worship Service
Wednesday, November 22 | 7PM | Orland Park and Oak Lawn Campuses
Join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve Service as we “Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.”
- Psalm 100:4
KidsLife Story Time
Saturday, November 18th | 9:30-11AM | Orland Park Campus
You are invited to STORY TIME – a free one and one half hour special event created just for you and the young children in your life!
We are so excited for you and your child/ children to join us for STORY TIME! Fun music, a craft, snack and a live story time are just a few of the things that will be waiting for you. Plus, you get to experience it all while making fun family memories! We have designed everything from start to finish with your child in mind.
All of this fun will take place on Saturday, November 18 from 9:30-11:00 AM at Calvary Church of Orland Park!
You are welcome to invite any friends and family who also have young children! We want everyone to come!
Register HERE
Worship & Prayer Night
Friday, November 17th | 7PM | Orland Park Campus
Join us for an all-campus Calvary Worship & Prayer Night. We’re looking forward to getting together as three campuses in one to seek the Lord and lift our praise.
Foundations Class
This class, lead by Pastor Matt, will meet for six weeks to dive deeper into our three Pillars of Discipleship - Growing in Intimacy with God, Developing the Character of Christ, and Joining Jesus in His Mission. In this class, you will learn how to live out each pillar in your everyday life.
Starting Point Class
Friday, October 20th 6-9PM | Saturday, October 21st 9-11AM
Starting Point is a weekend experience designed to help you discover God’s vision for your life as Jesus’ disciple. In unpacking Calvary’s three Pillars of Discipleship, you will learn how to grow, connect, and serve at Calvary while meeting other new people and several church leaders. If you’re new at Calvary, or looking to get more involved, this is your perfect place to start!
Women’s Conference
Saturday, October 14, 2023 | 8AM - 3:30PM
Join the women of Calvary for a day full of encouragement and refreshment. We will hear from various speakers, worship and pray together, engage in breakout sessions, and shop the Purchase with a Purpose vendor stands.
Calvary Newcomers Lunch
Sunday, October 1st | 11:30AM | Calvary Orland Park
If you’ve been attending Calvary for a short while, and are looking to get acquainted with our Staff Leadership Teams and Pastors, please join us! We will meet after the 10:30AM service, on Sunday, October 1st at 11:30AM.
Lunch will be provided, and childcare offered.
Roseland Christian Ministries
The Calvary Mission Team is looking for volunteers to help make and serve breakfast at Roseland Christian Ministries on Sunday, September 24th. We will meet at Roseland at 8:00am to begin preparing breakfast to serve at 9:00am. Cleanup to follow. We generally finish around 10:00am. Anyone interested in serving please contact Rick Aardema at missions@thisiscalvary.org.
Men's Retreat
We are inviting all the adult men of Calvary to the Band of Brothers Men’s Retreat on September 15th and 16th at Dickson Valley Camp in Newark, IL (approx. 1-hr west of Calvary Orland Park). Check-in starts at 6 pm on Friday, and we will head home at 4 pm on Saturday.
This year’s theme is Brotherhood--you were not made to walk alone.
Don’t miss out on the perfect opportunity to take a break from the everyday rhythms of life to focus on building deeper relationships with God and other men at Calvary Church.
The early bird price is $115 through August 27th and $130 after.
If you have questions or would like a reduced rate, please contact matts@thisiscalvary.org.
Friday Itinerary
6-7pm Check-in | 7-8pm Session 1 | 8-10pm Bonfire and Late Night Pizza
Saturday Itinerary
8:30-9am Breakfast | 9-10am Session 2 | 10-12pm Excursions (Walk/Hike, Tactical Laser Tag, Fish, Ropes Course) | 12:30-1pm Lunch | 1-2pm Time with God | 2-3pm Breakout Groups Time | 3-4 pm Session 3