Updates and Other Resources
If you are looking for updates or info regarding the search process for our next lead pastor, this is the place to be! Scroll down to meet our search team.
The search team is partnering with NL Moore & Associates. They are a provider of an evidence-based approach to leadership transitions. NL Moore will walk alongside us throughout the search to help us find the best possible candidate. Their 6-step process helps our search team find a candidate that aligns with our church's theology, leadership experience, capacity, and culture. For more information about NL Moore, visit their website at https://nlmoore.com/what-we-do/pastor-search/.
To view the process and information about steps we’ve completed, click on the links below under Documents and Resources.

Prayer Focus TEXT Updates
Text PRAY to 833-539-3083 for weekly prayer prompts.
Join us in praying intentionally for our next lead pastor.
"Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in my name, there am I among them.” -Matthew 18:19-20
Meet the Search Team
Click next to the name to read their bio.
Troy has been married to Cheryl for 17 years and they have two kids; Kara is 14 and Derek is 11. Troy and Cheryl are enjoying this season of parenting and spending time with their kids — playing tennis, going for walks, playing board games or catching up on their favorite TV shows. Troy has been a professional counselor for the past 11 years specializing in marriage counseling. He has been attending Calvary Church for 18 years. The first four years, he served as the Discipleship and Small Group Pastor. Since then, he has led small groups, membership classes, and served as a Deacon, Elder, and currently, as Search Team Chair. What he loves about Calvary is that we are a church who desires transformation to become like Christ in our personal lives and as a community.
Ken has been married to Anna-Maria for 42 years. His son Kurt and Daughter-in-law Laura have a daughter and a son, and his daughter Camilla and Son-in-law Zach have two sons. Ken owns and operates a franchise business with 9 locations. He grew up in the Evangelical Covenant Church. His wife and him have attended Calvary for 10 plus years and he is currently in a second term as an Elder. He has become intrigued with golf in the last 2 years, and likes to read books on different subjects and some fiction. A couple of his recent favorite authors are Adam Grant and Jonathon Haidt.
Brooke has been a member of Calvary for about 13 years. Her husband, Tim, and she started attending Calvary while they were engaged, and they now have an eight year old daughter, Felicity. Felicity loves all of the KidsLife programs, and Brooke has the honor of being one of her GEMS counselors. She also regularly serves in Tiny Town on Sundays where she delights in sharing God’s love with the littles of the church. Tim is currently serving as the deacon chair of care, and they all treasure doing life together with the members of their Connect Group. Through the ups and downs of life, Calvary has always been a constant in Brooke’s adult life. The focus on teaching directly from God’s word, and the care of the congregation members are a few of her favorite aspects of our church family. There are always opportunities for her family to find programs or bible studies to deepen their knowledge and relationship with God and challenge them to share that with others. Outside of church, She is the Senior Tax Manager for a family office, and Tim is an owner/operator of a trucking company. Their favorite vacation spot is Silver Lake in Michigan where they can’t get enough wake surfing, tubing, sand dune rides, and ice cream!
Kevin Drenth is married to Jacquelyn and they have 3 children Jayden, Madelyn, & Isla. Kevin and Jacquelyn have been attending Calvary for almost 10 years. He currently works in Construction. Kevin has served on Consistory, executive council as a deacon, and Youth Group as a high school leader. Kevin loves Calvary because of the community and fellowship he has experienced here. In his spare time he enjoys hunting, smoking meat, & spending time with his family.
Sharon has been married to her husband, Dennis, for 36 years and has 4 children between the ages of 23-34. She has been a member of Calvary Church since 1988 and over the years has served as MOPS Director, Women's Ministry Coordinator, Nursery Coordinator, high school youth group leader and she currently serves on the prayer team. You will also see her on Sunday morning serving coffee in the cafe! She enjoys CrossFit, summers at Bass Lake, British murder mysteries, crocheting, knitting, and walking with her bulldogs, Buckwheat & Petunia.
Sheri has been married to Keith for 16 years and they have three spunky children. They met 25 years ago at Calvary’s youth group. Sheri is a lifetime member of Calvary and has served in many areas including MOPs, KidsLife, and the Mission Team. Sheri’s favorite part about Calvary is the people. The people of Calvary love deeply.
Megan has been attending Calvary Church for about 20 years, since she was in 3rd grade. She made her Profession of Faith in the movie theater during the church’s transition to a new building! She now has the privilege of being on staff as the Director of Student Ministries for the past two and a half years. She also enjoys being involved in Calvary’s ministries like connect groups, Sisters in Step, Samuel Ministry, and volunteering in the nursery. Megan is engaged to be married this fall to her fiancé, whom she met at Calvary! One of her favorite things about this church is the hearts of the people in the congregation. They know how to show up in community and care for each other well.